Our achievements
Since 2018, the majority, comprising 17 elected members of the Bourgmestre’s list, has worked tirelessly for our commune, and we are pleased to share this team’s achievements with you.
Thanks to sound financial management, an important part of the electoral program has been successfully implemented. As a result, Wezembeek-Oppem became the only municipality in Flanders to be debt-free, while at the same time having a tax burden 24% lower than the regional average. Although some of the parties in the current majority have chosen to decline our invitation to continue this coalition, we remain optimistic and determined to continue the work we have begun: listening to you, preserving the environment, ensuring transparency, dynamizing and innovating for the well-being of all, not forgetting any ideas you may have for us. From now on, this multilingual team will present itself to you under the name of the Burgomaster’s List “LB Wezembeek-Oppem”.
- Construction of the new “City Hall” community centre
- Construction of the new “De Letterbijter” elementary school with 250 places
- Construction of a new “BIB” communal library, the only bilingual one in the country
- Development of a town square and two new public parks
- Creation of accessible public parking lots in the center of the town under the town hall
- Renovation and conversion of the Merlijn building into a 180-seat auditorium.
- Renovation and extension of “La Fermette” elementary school buildings
- Construction of crèches in two municipal buildings and integration of a new crèche in the “Vosberg” cohousing project
- Simplifying and increasing subsidies for energy renovations
- Installation of solar panels on most municipal buildings and the police headquarters
- Replacement of street lighting with energy-efficient LED lamps
- Creation of the E-Loket environment
- Beautifying and greening the communal cemetery
Organization / Finance
- Full repayment of municipal debt
- Revision of all cadastral revenues for fairer taxation
- Revision of subsidy regulations to provide more objective support for associations
- Setting up an electronic counter for your administrative requests
- Local merchants benefit from reduced tax on illuminated signs
- Creation of the new commune logo and website
- Creation of Digiflash, the monthly communal newsletter
- Creation of the “idee-WO” citizen participation platform
- Participatory process for drawing up the mobility plan
- Subsidies for the creation and operation of crèches
- Launch of the Hoplr platform, a neighborhood social network
- Voluntary telephone and field assistance to residents affected by COVID-19 and local mask production.
- Relaunch of the 3rd age restaurant with home-delivered meals
- New soccer club revitalizes activities at the Plaine des Sports
- Organization of the Kabouter course, Halloween, Big Jump, Easter Fun, family celebrations, etc. Collaboration with Microcosme for urban aperitifs.